How To Check For Lice

How To Check For Lice

Feeling itchy but you aren’t sure what’s causing it? It could be lice! These common pests cause problems for millions of families around the U.S. Every year.  Head lice do not discriminate and travel quickly around households and through schools, so it is vital that you and your family know how to check yourselves for…

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What Are Your Options For Lice Treatment?

What Are Your Options For Lice Treatment?

Despite their small size, head lice cause a huge problem for people all over the globe. With over 6 million head lice infestations occuring in the U.S. every year, it’s likely that you or someone you know will encounter head lice at least once in their lifetime. If you or a family member is facing…

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Why Natural Remedies For Lice Removal Don’t Work

Why Natural Remedies For Lice Removal Don't Work

Dealing with head lice can be very stressful, especially if the person with head lice is your child. It is very common for children attending school to come into contact with head lice and bring it home with them, and it is just as common for parents to explore, or invent, a home remedy to…

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Best Hairstyles To Avoid Lice

Best Hairstyles To Avoid Lice

Head lice love to travel to new places and find new heads where they can feed and lay eggs, and they almost always spread through head-to-head contact. When people get close to each other to hug, take photos, or even share a pillow next to each other, this gives the lice an opportunity to crawl…

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Dangers of Untreated Lice

Dangers of Untreated Lice

Procrastination is a problem for many people. Whether it is putting off the dishes or waiting until the last second to get the repair you need for your car, almost everyone can agree that waiting too long to solve a problem usually leads to more problems. Dealing with head lice is much the same. Though…

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Post-Treatment Care For Your Scalp

Post-Treatment Care For Your Scalp

Head lice are a common, highly irritating problem. If you’ve ever encountered these parasites yourself, then you know that there’s nothing like the intense itchy feeling caused by head lice. Similarly, there is nothing like the feeling of relief once the lice are gone and the itching finally ceases. Unfortunately, the scalp can continue to…

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Life Cycle of Lice

Life Cycle of Lice

Head lice are a common issue here in the United States. If you’ve never had head lice yourself, you probably know someone that has.  The CDC estimates that there are somewhere between 6 and 12 million cases of lice each year among citizens ages 3-11 alone.  These tiny parasites are about 1-3 millimeters in size.…

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Do Head Lice Prefer A Certain Blood Type?

Do Head Lice Prefer A Certain Blood Type?

Lice affect millions of Americans every year, and while there are some ways you can prevent head lice, some factors remain out of your control. If you or one of your family members had head lice multiple times, most would write it off as bad luck, but there may be some underlying causes. One of…

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5 Common Myths About Head Lice

5 Common Myths About Head Lice

As a kid, there is a good chance that either you or someone you knew got headlice. Despite the plethora of available information about lice and treatments for them online, there are still a handful of rumors and myths about these pesky parasites. Here are a few of the most common myths about lice that…

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Is It Dandruff or Lice?

Is It Dandruff or Lice?

Dealing with head lice is a pain and a hassle. Not only can it disrupt your weekly routine, but it is physically uncomfortable. If you know someone that recently contracted a case of head lice, it is perfectly normal to feel a little bit of paranoia that you may have gotten them too. Even reading…

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