What Are Your Options For Lice Treatment?

Despite their small size, head lice cause a huge problem for people all over the globe. With over 6 million head lice infestations occuring in the U.S. every year, it’s likely that you or someone you know will encounter head lice at least once in their lifetime. If you or a family member is facing a case of head lice, act quickly! Delaying treatment will only worsen the problem, and it gives the lice a chance to spread to others. At the Lice Clinic, we provide a variety of head lice removal services. After the initial consultation and screening, our head lice specialists will discuss the level of infestation so that you can choose the treatment option that works best for you.

AirTral Specialty Treatment

Our most popular and effective treatment involves a 3-step process that will have you 100% head lice-free in just around an hour. Our AirTral lice removal device releases heated air that dehydrates all of the lice and nits, eliminating every parasite and egg in around thirty minutes. After the AirTral has done its work, one of our head lice technicians will comb out what remains. Once the lice have all been removed, we finish the treatment with the application of our all-natural treatment solution. Once the treatment has been completed, you will be good to go! You will leave our clinic ready to return to school, sports, and all other activities. 


Traditional Comb-Out Service

Though AirTral is our most effective and efficient method of removing head lice, it is not recommended for everybody. For children ages 3 and below, we recommend manual head lice removal. Our technician will begin by separating the hair into several equal parts and combing through section by section, removing all the head lice until no more nits or debris remains. Once the lice have been removed, we finish the treatment with the application of our soothing lice treatment solution to ensure all of the head lice have been eliminated. 


Do-It-Yourself Head Lice Removal Kit

Our most affordable option, the Do-It-Yourself take-home lice kit, provides you with all of the tools you will need to combat a head lice infestation on your own. Our kit includes a professional-grade lice comb, all of the topical treatment products you will need, and detailed instructions on how to use them. If this option is selected, it is important to keep a consistent combing schedule for the next 10-12 days.


Peace of Mind Mini-Treatment

If you have been:

  • Exposed to head lice
  • Feeling itchy
  • Worried you might have lice

Then this treatment is for you! This service includes a head check, professional lice comb-through, and an application of our head lice treatment solution. If an active case of head lice is discovered, you can pick a treatment option that works best for you and pay the difference. 


A Head Screening 

Want to make sure you’ve gotten them all? Our clinicians will carefully inspect your hair and scalp to ensure all of the head lice have been dispatched. Lice spreads quickly through a household, so it is important that all family members are checked if a case of lice is discovered. 


Find Lice Treatment in North Carolina Today!

If you think you have spotted a nit or louse, don’t panic! Head lice can be a pain to deal with, but we are here to ease the process. Our trained technicians are experts at getting rid of lice without the use of dangerous chemical treatments. Our head lice treatment clinics are located in Matthews, Charlotte, Rock Hill, Monroe, and Pineville, North Carolina. If you or someone you know is dealing with lice, click the link at the top of the page to request an appointment today!