Long-Term Effects of Lice Infestation: What You Should Know

Long-Term Effects of Lice Infestation: What You Should Know

You have most certainly heard of head lice before, even if you have been lucky enough to avoid having them. Fortunately, having head lice is quite treatable. But are there any long-term effects of lice infestation? As lice treatment experts, we shed some light on the subject.

Head lice are parasitic insects that live on human scalps. A head lice infestation can be caused by head-to-head contact with someone who is already infected. Once you determine that you or a family member has a lice infestation, it may be stressful to determine the next steps. You may be worried about how these irritating pests affect the overall health of a person. 

While an average lice infestation won’t cause any long-term effects on the body, having lice for an extended time and leaving it untreated can have more severe consequences. Some long-term health effects from head lice may be more likely than others, but it is best to avoid any risk and start a treatment plan right away. 

In this article, we’ll discuss short-term symptoms of head lice, the risks of untreated head lice, and treatment options to prevent long-term effects of lice infestations.

Symptoms of Head Lice, What To Look For

If you are suffering from a head lice infestation for only a short amount of time it will not cause any long-term effects. Head lice are more of a nuisance than a danger to anyone. The symptoms of head lice are bothersome and irritating, but not life-threatening. Common short-term symptoms of head lice include: 

  • Tickling feeling of movement in the hair
  • Itching and head-scratching
  • Difficulty sleeping due to itchiness
  • Head sores from scratching

These head lice symptoms will immediately subside once the lice is treated and completely gone. If you have attempted an at-home treatment plan and still experience these symptoms, that is a sign that the lice are still there. Have a family member look for live adult lice that are tan in color and small nits (eggs) that resemble dandruff. Do not ignore the fact that you still have lice. 

Continuing to have a lice infestation after an at-home treatment means it’s time to reach out for professional head lice treatment.

What Happens If Head Lice Goes Untreated? Long-Term Effects of Lice Infestation

If a lice infestation is left untreated, it can become severe and can cause serious complications. Adult lice only live for about 30 days, but they lay many eggs during their survival (about 300!). These eggs hatch quickly and create a never-ending cycle of lice infestation. 

If the infected person ignores the infestation, it will only become worse. Not only do you increase the chances of spreading lice and infecting others, but you also risk poor health conditions. 

Head lice infestations, though generally not associated with serious long-term health effects, can have some lingering consequences. Keep reading to learn about some of the dangers of untreated head lice.

Head Lice Can Cause Bacterial Infection. Here’s How

The most serious and most likely side effect of untreated head lice is a bacterial infection. Having lice for an extended time will cause an extremely itchy scalp. This severe itching can lead to rashes, which will create tiny cuts in the skin that allow the bacteria from the lice to enter your bloodstream. This can cause cellulitis, a serious bacterial infection. If the bacterial infection is left untreated, it can spread to the lymph nodes and turn into a life-threatening issue. 

Can Lice Cause Hair Loss? 

Unfortunately, if you have a severe head lice infestation then yes, head lice can cause hair loss. When hair follicles become blocked with lice and nits, hair loss may occur. The nits feed on keratin, a protein that keeps hair healthy. Without it, hair becomes brittle, causing it to fall out easily. The constant scratching of the head can also cause hair loss.

Do Head Lice Cause Anemia?

Lice survive by feeding on the blood in your scalp. The lice will consume large amounts of blood while left untreated and can lead to a condition called anemia

Head Lice Treatment Plans

To avoid the risk of any long-term effects from a head lice infestation, all lice and nits need to be eliminated. Over-the-counter head lice treatments can be purchased to treat a lice infestation. There are mixed reviews on the effectiveness of these products, so speak with a dermatologist to get recommendations on effective ones.

Many over-the-counter lice treatments, such as shampoos and lotions, often contain harsh pesticides or chemicals designed to kill lice and their eggs. These lice treatment products can be hard on the scalp and hair, potentially causing skin irritation, dryness, and allergic reactions, especially in individuals with sensitive skin. Some head lice populations have also developed resistance to certain over-the-counter treatments, making them less effective.

Secondly, misdiagnosis is a common issue when attempting to treat lice at home. Without the proper identification of lice and nits, individuals may use these treatments unnecessarily, which not only exposes them to unnecessary chemicals but also contributes to the development of pesticide resistance in lice.

If you decide to try an over-the-counter head lice treatment, be sure to follow the directions carefully and re-treat as recommended on the package. 

Avoid Non-Medical at Home Treatments

While many “at-home” remedies are believed to cure head lice, there is limited scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of mayonnaise, vinegar, or similar home remedies in killing lice and nits. Over-the-counter and prescription treatments have undergone rigorous testing and evaluation, demonstrating their efficacy, while home remedies may not offer the same level of assurance.

Head lice have developed adaptations to survive in hair and on the scalp, making them resilient to a variety of natural substances. While mayonnaise and vinegar may temporarily suffocate or loosen the nits, they may not effectively eliminate the entire infestation. Incomplete treatment can result in lice and nits surviving and causing a recurring infestation.

Contact the Lice Treatment Experts, Lice Clinics Charlotte

If the over-the-counter treatment does not work or if it is too time-consuming for your busy schedule, get quick relief from the professionals at Lice Clinics Charlotte. Our popular airtral treatment guarantees the elimination of head lice with one visit. This treatment is completed with a device that kills lice and nits through dehydration. It is a quick and effective treatment that allows you to return to normalcy as soon as possible, with no worries of long-term head lice effects. Contact us today to learn more about our treatment options. We can help you decide which option works best for you and your family.