What Do You Mean Not All Lice Treatments Work?

Living in the Charlotte area of North Carolina has its advantages. You are never too far from either the beach or the mountains, and Charlotte is full of things to do for families, such as the NASCAR museum, festivals, and sporting events. 

While living in the South is a wonderful experience, southerners are at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to lice and our beautiful warm weather. While states farther north get a break from lice during the long winter months because lice can be killed in freezing temperatures, southern states may go through an entire year without seeing any freezing temperatures whatsoever. 

Because living in North Carolina means there’s a chance your family could experience an infestation at any time, it pays to understand lice treatment options. While over-the-counter lice treatments may work, there is no guarantee that they will be effective. Here is some information from the Lice Clinics of Charlotte on safe lice treatments and what to do when those over-the-counter treatments do not work at all. 

What Exactly Are Lice?

Lice are insects that first appeared nearly 13 million years ago. Originally, lice could infest both people and other mammals, but over time, lice evolved to only feed on human blood. Around 72,000 years ago, lice began to specialize in specific parts of the body, such as the body and body hair. 

Lice are usually clear or white in color. Adult lice can be small and difficult to see. They are the same size as a sesame seed or about ⅛ of an inch long. Lice eggs are also difficult to see. They are about the size of a knot in a piece of thread, and because they attach to a shaft of hair, they can be hard to find. 

Why Is Having Lice An Issue?

A couple of lice by themselves are not that big of a problem. However, lice multiply quickly and cause issues for your family. First, lice can spread to other people very quickly, especially if there are a lot of people in close quarters, which is why lice are often found in schools, daycare centers, and other areas where a lot of children congregate. 

Children between the ages of three and 11 years old are the people most commonly affected by a lice infestation. Lice do not care where you live or how much money you have. While lice can infest girls as well as boys, girls tend to get lice more often because their hair is usually longer than boys, and they share hair items, such as headbands and hairbrushes, with their friends. 

Once someone has lice, they will become uncomfortable. You may notice that your child says they are itchy and is constantly scratching around their head and neck area.

If your child has lice, they will not be able to go to daycare, camp, or school until they are lice-free. Also, the constant scratching that your child may be doing can lead to sores on their head or neck. These sores can become infected with bacteria, which can lead to serious infections requiring a doctor’s care. 

Do Lice Treatments Work?

Many people do not know that over-the-counter lice treatment options may not work. In fact, some research studies indicate that these lice shampoos are only effective less than 5% of the time, which are not great odds if you are a parent trying to deal with your lice-ridden child. 

Over time, lice have become immune from the chemicals in the lice shampoos, which means the shampoos will not cure the lice infestation. If you have just spent hours delousing a child’s hair and washing their bedclothes, you want to know that the lice shampoo you bought will work. 

If over-the-counter lice shampoos do not work, what should you do? You may want to try a natural treatment that will suffocate the lice, such as a mix of coconut oil and anise. 

However, you need to understand that just like chemical lice shampoos, natural lice treatment options are far less effective than you would want, and the treatment time is far longer. For example, the coconut oil and anise treatment has to stay in your hair for six to eight hours, which is a long time to wait to determine if the treatment actually worked. 

What Should I Do?

If you are worried that all of the treatments you have tried are not working, it may be time to think about seeing a lice specialist near you. Lice Clinics of Charlotte, one of several lice treatment centers in the area, can help rid you, a family member, or a child of a lice problem. We offer several lice treatment options, depending on how large the infestation is. 

You can opt for lice care using our patented Airtral lice treatment, which kills and removes the lice using heated air—no chemicals or pesticides. We also offer a more traditional comb-out treatment, mini treatments for your peace of mind, and even a take-home treatment so you can treat other family members. 

When you are ready for help with your lice issues, contact Lice Clinics Charlotte today. We can schedule an appointment for you with one of our treatment specialists. Why not give us a call today to schedule an appointment for your child or family member?