Bugs That Can Be Mistaken For Lice

Bugs That Can Be Mistaken For Lice

Lice are small blood-sucking parasites that are about the size of a mustard seed. They live in the hair and are known for the itching they cause their hosts. Given their small size, it can be difficult to tell them apart from other small insects like bed bugs, fleas, or ants. These bugs are all small, dark in color, and can cause itching and irritation. So how do you tell them apart? Luckily there are a few characteristics and symptoms that can provide you with the information you need to figure out what you are dealing with. Here is everything you need to know to determine whether or not you have a case of lice on your hands.

What Do Lice Look Like?

Most lice are white, brown, or black and have six legs. Since they’re about 1-3 millimeters in size, lice can be hard to spot, but are not invisible to the naked eye. The eggs they lay are called nits and attach firmly to the base of the hair. These eggs are smaller than the lice, off-white in color, and can be found towards the bottoms of individual strands of hair. The head lice themselves like to hide around the nape of the neck, the crown of the head, and behind the ears.

Common Bugs Mistaken for Lice

Many bugs are similar in appearance, so it’s not surprising that some people would have trouble distinguishing between bugs under three millimeters in size. While ants and bed bugs do resemble head lice, fleas are the most common bugs mistaken for lice. While both are small, flightless bugs that bite the skin and cause itching, fleas are a little bit smaller and rounder. Head lice are long and skinny in comparison.

How Do You Know If It Is Lice?

One of the best ways to test whether you have head lice is by checking yourself for lice regularly. If you do find a bug, observe its speed. When it comes to mobility, lice tend to lack the strength of other bugs its size. For example, fleas are very mobile and are hard to keep track of once they start moving. Lice on the other hand are slow crawlers. Nits are another giveaway. If you think you have spotted a louse, you should investigate further to see if you can find any nits, as this is a sure sign that you have a case of head lice on your hands.

Lice Treatment in Charlotte, NC

If you think that you have discovered head lice, don’t hesitate to look for a solution! Waiting will only make the situation worse. Here at Lice Clinics in Charlotte, we provide a guaranteed, chemical-free treatment that can have you lice-free after just one appointment. If you want to know more about lice or our head lice treatment options, request an appointment today!